Support for Survivors
of Intimate Partner Violence

1064324906I know you’ve been suffering…


When you spend years walking on eggshells, you worry about everything. You overthink, “Am I going to make someone mad?” “Did I do this right?” “Did I do this wrong?”


You feel there is nothing left within you, and your heart feels empty with no hope to end this misery.


When your batterer constantly puts you down, that becomes part of your inner narrative. There are various ways that you express shame.

“I feel like I am nobody.”

“I am ashamed of my whole life.”

“I feel like I am always wrong.”

“I feel so beaten down and defeated.”

“There is something wrong with me.”

They have one thing in common – you evaluate your entire self in a negative way


You call the police, press charges, and “betray” your partner.

“Perhaps it’s my fault he lost his temper.”

Or maybe you feel guilty for staying with the batterer, putting up with the abuse, or not ending the relationship sooner.


When you spend so many years in this abusive relationship, you worry about what the future will hold. You fear uncertainty. How will you manage yourself and the kids?


You feel angry at your abuser for what he did, angry at the system, or angry at yourself for putting up with the abuse.

2078771320Your body’s feeling it, too.

Trouble sleeping…

When you spend your day in constant stress and anxiety, it’s difficult to sleep at night. Your sleep gets interrupted by ruminations, overthinking, and nightmares.

Chronic stress…

The accumulation of multiple and ongoing stressors impacts your physical health. When you have mental distress, it affects your heart rate, blood stress, muscle tension, digestive problems,

And as if that’s not enough…

This traumatic journey has affected how you relate to yourself, filling you with shame and doubt… and sapping your confidence.

Do you wonder why this happened to you?

Maybe you criticize yourself a lot, saying things like “I’m stupid!” or “There’s something wrong with me.”

Do you ask yourself whether you could have prevented it?

Perhaps you avoid trying new things, thinking that you don’t have what it takes.

Do you regret having “wasted” so many years of your life?

1614362578You can get your power back, and I can help.

You’ve been injured physically, emotionally, and mentally… and you have some deep wounds to heal.

You have suffered a lot in your life, and you have the right to feel happier and content with your life.

It is time to regain control in your life, and only you can do that. It is time that you look after yourself.

I know this journey can be challenging. I am here to help you navigate through this journey. You are not alone.

In therapy, you’ll learn how to…

Advocate for yourself…

Self-advocacy helps you recognize your rights and stand up for yourself. It would help you increase awareness around recognizing your rights, demanding respect, safety, and happiness.

Talk to yourself with compassion…

You have not been treated well for so many years. One of the ways to feel better is to change the way you talk to yourself and respect yourself. Increasing awareness around negative self-talk and reframing it into a self-compassionate narrative would promote happiness and make you feel good about yourself.

Practice mindfulness/relaxation strategies…

Utilizing relaxation/mindfulness activities (such as progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing) to help relax and deal with tension.

Cope with the guilt…

Exploring, identifying, and challenging the unhelpful rules and identifying the thinking errors (such as emotional reasoning) around guilt, such as using “should have” or “could have,” usually leads to faulty conclusions.

Be assertive…

You have spent so many years putting others’ needs first, so now it is time to put yourself first. For instance, assertiveness around your rights of being respected to empower yourself. Practice saying, “I would appreciate it if you didn’t talk to me that way.”

Your abuser is not in control of your life.

You are!

You are strong to have survived this, and you CAN heal from the traumatic road you’ve been traveling.

If you’re ready to embark on a new healing journey, I am ready to help.

Reach out, and let’s schedule your free 15-minute consultation so that I can answer your questions and see how I can help: (289) 207-7969 or (705) 471-2761.