Anxiety and Depression

2036810240When you suffer from anxiety, you know it!

It’s in your chest…

The aching as your heart races or skips a beat.

It’s in your stomach…

That nausea… that queasiness…

It’s in your body…

The shaking, the sweating, the tingling…

And it’s in your brain…

Not only can you not concentrate or have problems with your mind going blank, but you think:

“Something terrible is going to happen.”

“If people see me anxious, they will think I’m weak or laugh at me.”

“I am a loser.”

“I always mess up when I meet new people!”

These negative thoughts make you feel even MORE anxious, so you avoid people and situations that might trigger your anxiety. It’s a vicious cycle: You get more and more anxious… and more and more isolated.

1604348002Or maybe you’re here because you’re depressed…

Do you feel “low” and sad… maybe irritable and unable to focus?

Do you keep criticizing yourself, saying that you’re worthless?

What’s worse, do you feel hopeless – like it’ll never get better?

If you’re depressed, you think things like:

“I am a failure.”

“I am weak because I have problems.”

“I don’t deserve to be happy.”

“My life won’t get better.”

“People will think less of me if they know I’m depressed.”

All of these thoughts are extremely stressful. It’s a lot to cope with!

Anxiety and depression usually go together.

When you feel anxious, you avoid people and places… and then you feel better in the short-term.

You think avoidance helps your anxiety.

Then you withdraw, isolate, and shut down.

You are not really feeling better because you’re just avoiding your anxiety and feeling depressed.

Then you feel lonely again, don’t engage in activities that you used to enjoy, don’t hang out with family and friends… and now you feel even more alone and depressed.

It’s a vicious cycle.

1107913979Fortunately, both are treatable with setting realistic goals in these areas…


It is common to feel unmotivated, hopeless, and helpless when depressed.

But you can improve your motivation by:

… setting specific goals.
… identifying and addressing your excuses.
… relying on habits, not feelings.
… choosing your purpose.

When you have motivation, you are more likely to look to engage in self-care and positive activities to improve your mood.

Dysfunctional beliefs…

There are likely “false beliefs” fueling your anxiety or depression. We’ll challenge those thoughts and reframe them for a healthier mental outlook.


We’ll do exercises (like progressive muscle relaxation) to help you focus on the present.

We’ll focus on grounding strategies to cope with emotional pain and distress.

Overcoming irrational thoughts…

Are you constantly bombarded with “what-if” thoughts and uncertainty?

We’ll problem-solve the productive worries and put the unsolvable worries at rest by focusing on the present.

You’ll learn to tolerate uncertainty, accept your intrusive thoughts, and practice distress tolerance.

We’ll also shift your attention so that you develop a self-accepting inner voice to soothe yourself.

These strategies will help you refocus, bring clarity to your thoughts, re-engage in rewarding activities and improve your mood.

I’m here and ready to help!

Lack of motivation, hopelessness, and helplessness are very common when someone feels anxious and depressed. Don’t let these hold you back.

Together, we can work through your concerns, and you can make a positive difference in your life

Let’s talk about how I can help. Call me today for your free 15-minute consultation: (289) 207-7969 or (705) 471-2761.